

 Hi everyone, I think to make one post graduate studies in specific one doctorate, because is very important for working in different research and for specialize in the area of genetic in mi case (my favorite area), the other hand, one doctorate ensures to get easier employment and with better salary, for this also it is possible to do a post-doctoral course after to improve my possible positions in the future works and learn more. Subjects that I would like to study are specially laboratory courses about molecular biology, technical English to read and write papers or other publications, courses of administration lab, course of project development and study new concepts to apply in lab. I would like to study in abroad ideally, because I want to learn areas no developed in Chile and to get better my English, also learn about the others cultures, for example Canada, Australia, EE.UU and Israel, I think that is a very nice experience. I would like to study blended system, to take bet...


 I would like to be investigator in one laboratory or a well in clinical laboratory, thus indoors, I imagine myself in the laboratory conducting many experiments for to discover new things about a disease, I don’t know one in specific, and to can publish papers. That's because I like science and to discover new things to help in human disease and the development of our country. I would like to travel a lot in my job, for example, for internships, for conferences, for working with collaborators in their labs. The other hand, I like to be tourist after the work for to know the country. The best salary for one a biochemist in Chile, it’s in a clinical laboratory, because is more appreciated and is one stable work, the salary can be $1.300.000, only first year, the investigator also, but must work more.  The major that I am thinking of taking is about genetical diseases because I like it a lot and is one area in full developing and many applications in human health. My satisfactio...


Hello everyone, I chose my career, that is biochemistry, because I like sciences and investigation. As a child, I wanted to be a scientist. My options of career in the moment of applying to university were chemistry, biotechnology and marine biology, the principal option was study marine biology, because I love the sea, swimming and all marine life and I wanted discover new things in this area, finally I chose biochemistry because is one wider area and I like research. In the same way I want diving in the sea someday. My experience has been good and interesting in the university, and I met very good people ( in my opinion is very important) in my 5 years of the career, only detail is that subjects are very difficult, but you learn, is necessary to have responsibility. The best in the career are the laboratories, for example the research laboratories of some teachers, in this laboratory you can work after the second year in the career. After university, I would like to be investigator i...


Hi, I am fanatic of watching movies and series, my favorites film genres are drama, comedy and action (action no too),  the name of the my favorite movie it is “Parasite”, directed by Bong Joon-ho, one great director in the actuality from South Korea, this movie is about one very poor family that get to work in one house of a millionaire family, is very interesting and to understand the social critical of by Bong Joon-ho in this drama film and is difficult to understand the end, is one movie to see more than once and analyze the details. This movie is the first foreign film, not spoken in English, to win the award for best film at the Oscar Award in the year 2019, it was historical, the Director said a real phrase “Once you overcome the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films”, finally all the movies may be good movie.  I watched this movie 2 years ago, because many recommended me, I watched in Netflix and I very recommend this ...


 Hi everybody, today I write about my best holidays. The winter holidays, in the year 2018, I traveled together ten friends to North of Chile, specifically “San Pedro de Atacama” for 7 days, we are traveled from Santiago in a plane (the trip started with turbulence), all the trip was one adventure, very exciting. In this city, we met many beautifully places with nature, life wild, landscapes, extremely temperatures, etc. We visited Valley of the Moon, Geysers (in this place one friend fainted from the different of pressure), “Salar de Atacama” with many flamingos, desert of Atacama, one observatory. The activities that we did were walk in the desert, climbed dunes, walk in bike, party’s in the night, watch the stars and the moon and other things. This holidays has been the best so far, because I like those places, for example desert with beautifully landscape, I met more tourists in one village and the hotel, all the trip was one adventure with my friends, one night in the hot...


 Hi everyone, I’m Pinkus and I would like to go to Israel, because I have family in this country, and I traveled last year for 5 months for one internship in Tel Aviv University and I liked very much the Tel Aviv city. I know about Israel that is a country very fun and with interesting culture, the people speak English, Hebrew and Arab, the food-street is very tasty, one example of food-street is falafel, the only bad is that is very expensive city in general. I would like to go to beach all day, and summing in sea, the water in this area it’s not cold as in Chile in “Viña del Mar”, the other hand, I would walk in the hipster streets and go the party with my friends on the house or restaurant. I like to return for study a post grade or working on a research in biochemistry in the same university or other near for live in cheaper city, is a possibility, only need speaking better English. Best Regards